Known to be one of the most picturesque, lavish and expensive weddings in India, Marwari weddings are unique in each aspect. But did you know about these special Marwari Wedding Rituals that makes this so sui generis, even to the best wedding photographer in Kolkata?
Unique Marwari Wedding Rituals
1. Engagement Or 'rupiyo-nariyal'
2. Ganpati Sthapana Or Griha Shanti Marwari Wedding Rituals
3. Haldi And 'pithi Dastoor'
4. Mehndi
5. Sangeet Or 'mehfil'
6. Mahira Dastoor
7. Palla Dastoor
8. Nikasi
9. Baraat
10. Arti
11. Dwar Chakai
12. Jai Mala Marwari Wedding Rituals
13. Mama Milni
14. Granthi Bandhan
15. Panigrahan
16. Kanyadan
17. Pheras
18. Ashwarohan Marwari Wedding Rituals
19. Maang indoor and Sumangalika.
20. Jua Khilai
21. Bidai

1. Engagement Or 'Rupiyo-Nariyal'
This marks the very first ritual for the couple towards their new life together. ‘Rupio’ stands for money or coins to be precise. And ‘narial’ means Coconut, which is a sacred fruit in the Hindu culture. The bride and the grooms family engage the couple to each other by exchanging coins and coconut.Â

2. Ganpati Sthapana Or Griha Shanti Marwari Wedding Rituals
This ritual usually takes place about two days prior to the main wedding date. Lord Ganesh is deemed to be the Harold of good beginnings. It is believed that worshipping Ganpati before commencing auspicious events like weddings brings good luck.

3. Haldi And 'Pithi Dastoor'
Very similar to the Haldi Ceremony among other Indian communities. This is when the families playfully apply haldi paste all over the faces and limbs of their ‘Banna’ and ‘Banni’. A concoction of ingredients like saffron, turmeric, rose water, etc, this acts as a skin detoxifying ritual.

4. Mehndi
The ritual is when the ‘banni’ gets her hands adorned in beautiful designs of henna art. It is believed to bring happiness and prosperity to the new couple`s life. The ‘Banna’ also applies some mehndi as a part of the ritual.
5. Sangeet Or 'Mehfil'
A chill event when both the families of the groom and the bride merry out an evening, by dancing and singing. Traditionally folk dance and music commenced the event. However, in modern times choreographed Bollywood and Hollywood music is also presented.

6. Mahira Dastoor
Maternal uncles (Maama) hold a special sweet place in each of our lives. Don't they? This Mahira dastoor ceremony celebrates this special bond. The Mama of both the bride and groom bless the couple and shower them with gifts. Most of the presents include dress, jewelleries and sweets!Â
7. Palla Dastoor
This ceremony is usually done few hours before the main wedding ceremony. The relatives and family of the groom visit the bride and bless her with gifts, Marwari wedding dress, jewellery and sweets. The bride is supposed to wear the outfit gifted to her for her pheras.
8. Nikkasi
The Groom's sister applies kajal to the groom's eyes to woo away evil eyes from her ‘jigraa’ brother. And right before the groom squad is all set to move to the wedding venue, the brother in law of the groom ties a ‘sehra’ to the groom’s head.

9. Baraat
The groom is all set in his royal attire. He rides a horse and carries their Khaandaani Sword in hand, and heads towards the wedding venue. This is a speciality of the Rajput community. The groom squad follows this to the venue.

10. Arti
A traditional aarti welcomes the groom and his family. The mother of the groom does and aarti on the groom to woo away evil spirits around him. And later she playfully pulls his nose as a sign of breaking the ice, and embracing him as her Son!
11. Dwar Chakai
Torans and Garlands adorn the entrance gate of the wedding venue, which is hit by the groom with a neem tree branch. This is symbolic of shooing away negativity and embracing positive vibes only. The tilak and Jaimala follow after this.
12. Jai Mala Marwari Wedding Rituals
This is when the Banna gets to see his Banni finally. The Bride embraces and welcomes him by doing his Tilak and later puts a garland of flowers around his neck. The Groom then puts another garland around her neck. The friends and brothers of the bride and groom playfully tease them by stopping them to do so. It’s indeed a fun event. A perfect moment to capture for photographer in kolkata for wedding.

13. Mama Milni
The bride's side or the Ladki wale welcome the Baraatis. The Mama, Chacha, Taya's of either side greet each other with flower garlands.

14. Granthi Bandhan
The bride's chunni is tied to the groom's stole by the priest or the sister of the groom as a part of this Marwari Jain wedding rituals. This denotes the eternal bond of love and support, the couple commit to each other through the sacred ceremony of marriage.Â
15. Panigrahan
Through this Marwari Wedding Rituals groom holds the bride’s hands and they promise each other to be with each other through every up and down of their entire lives. They commit to being each other’s constant support through this ritual.
16. Kanyadan
A very emotional and bittersweet moment of the entire marwari wedding rituals list. This is when the bride’s father passes over the responsibility of taking care of his little angel to her husband. Indeed a very touching and emotional moment for the family.

17. Pheras
The bride and groom take seven rounds around the sacred fire. They promise seven worlds of happiness and support to each other. Each round they complete signifies one unique promise for a lifetime. In Marwari marriage, the first four pheras are taken around the fire while the remaining ones are taken near the entrance.

18. Ashwarohan Marwari Wedding Rituals
As a symbol of being constant and consistent with her commitment and love, the bride puts her feet on grinding stone. Later a ritual of showering kheel to the fire is followed as a part of the Ashwarohan ritual.
19. Maang Sindoor And Sumangalika
This is that spine chilling moment of the wedding when the groom finally fills vermillion or sindoor into the hair partition of the bride. Indeed a very emotional moment for the couple, when they finally finish the marriage proceeding and can call themselves husband and wife. The mother-in-law of the bride gives her a Khaandaani nath that has to be worn by her after they are done with the ceremony!

20. Jua Khilai
Yet another fun and interactive ritual that commences after the pheras. The couple is made to play several funny games as a part of getting comfortable with each other. This ritual helps the couple relax and merry out after the indeed serious rituals.
21. Bidai
The final and indeed bittersweetest part of the wedding. The bride finally says her goodbyes to her old family and moves towards her in-law’s home with her husband.