Films Gallery by Qpidindia
Make your best moment more special through Best Wedding Videography by Qpidindia, a highly professional wedding Videography team in Kolkata.


Cinematic Wedding


Cinematic Wedding


Pre Wedding

Cinematic Wedding

Cinematic Wedding

Cinematic Wedding

Pre Wedding


Cinematic Wedding


Cinematic Wedding

Cinematic Wedding


Pre Wedding

Cinematic Wedding


Cinematic Wedding



Candid Wedding


Cinematic Wedding

Let's make something great together
Wedding video idea you have to know.
1. Create a wedding trailer.
Use dialogue, music, and various clips throughout the day to create a story. Order the clips chronologically, but look for moments within sections that capture the emotions you felt during that period. Add music that emphasizes those feelings and include dialogue through voiceover if you’d like
2. Creatively save the date
Reenact your proposal, add title cards that tell the story of your journey as a couple, or even hire an animator to create a beautiful cartoon version. Make sure you at least include large and legible text that clearly states your names, the wedding venue address, and the ceremony date and time.
3. Introduce the wedding party.
Get all the family members, relatives and friends involved by asking them to introduce themselves, say what their role is in the wedding party, and explain how they know the bride or groom. They can also add a line or two of advice they would give about marriage and some well wishes.
4. Use mixed media
A mixed media wedding video uses a combination of different filming styles and cameras to capture a truly unique feeling. If your goal for the wedding video is to highlight your most important family members, you can combine interviews of them with getting-ready footage, adding their loving messages in voice-over for some special moments.
5. Try stop-motion
Stop-motion is a whimsical film technique that stops filming, moves a person or object within the shot, then begins filming again. This can make your video look creative and unique. Not everybody uses this technique in their wedding videos. Recreate your favorite music video or give your own unique spin on a song you absolutely love.
6. Tell your love story through interviews
You and your partner can talk separately about the night you met, your first kiss, and the first time you said you love each other. The differences between your two stories may be heartfelt or hilarious depending on the outcome. ou can also get the perspective of your family members and wedding party too if they were an integral part of your union.
7. Host a video booth
Assign a camera operator to set up and run a camera in front of two seats in a quiet spot of the wedding venue. Give them prompts to answer or invite them to use the video as a digital signature book.
8. Film in a cinematic style
Cinematic wedding videos are a little more elaborate than your average wedding video because they’re more like an artistic short film rather than a compilation of the day’s best moments. Natural landscapes such as beaches or forests look pleasantly dramatic, as do candles, hanging lights, and paper lanterns.
9. Do a reactions-only cut
Your parents’ first glimpse of you in your dress or outfit. Your friends listening to the speeches. Your bridal party laughing as you get ready together. All of these small moments highlight your connection to your loved ones, and including these clips will add their experience of the day to the video in addition to your own.